Managed Security Services Old

Managed Security Services
OculusIT Managed Security Services

Managed Security Services for Higher Education

Supporting a secure and a smart institutional network

Higher Education Institutions being entrusted with millions of student and business data are often vulnerable to security breaches and threats. From common phishing scams and ransomware to high-level denial-of-service attacks can cause ample damage to both institutions’ and students’ data. Therefore, it can be said that the education industry has become one of the most common targets of cyber thieves that needs immediate support and attention.

Does your institution’s IT team struggle with these security challenges?

  • Identifying security risks and breaches
  • Setting up and implementing risk mitigation strategies
  • Keeping academic transparency and information security in check
  • Overcoming a lack of resources and capabilities for internal security
  • Complying with the GDPR, PCI DSS, and other data security standards

If any of this feels familiar, then it might be time to work with a professional Managed Security Services provider to improve the institution’s cybersecurity posture!

Our Approach to a Complete Secure Cyber Posture

To ensure the complete security of your institution, OculusIT’s comprehensive approach includes two broad strategies

Proactive Security

Before threat detection

– Threat Hunting
– Staff Training
– Proactive Network Monitoring
– Proactive Endpoint Monitoring

Reactive Security

Before threat detection

– Firewalls & Antivirus
– Incident Response
– Spam Filters & Ad Blockers
– Password Protection

Why Managed Security Services from OculusIT?

Managed Security Services (MSS) is the new reality for higher education institutions, regardless of their size. OculusIT is proud to be higher education’s Managed Security Services Provider of choice, offering countless advantages to colleges and universities, so that they can focus on strategic priorities and not be caught up in day-to-day security tactics.

Often, running a self-owned, in-house security operations center or obtaining the costly tools and components required by a large security team is impossible for every institution as it can be expensive. Taking services from a trusted Managed Security Service Provider on a shared model is a cost-effective strategy to achieve your institution’s security goals.

Here are a few key advantages of Managed Security Services

Advantage of Becoming a Threat-hunting Company

A Managed Security Services team offers advanced monitoring and analysis that helps identify and mitigate incoming security threats and all types of breaches.

Close Monitoring of Assets

Managed Security Services provide ongoing security supervision, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year to ensure close and continuous monitoring of threats and other cybercrimes.

Risk and Compliance Management

In the highly regulated cybersecurity environment, maintaining the highest level of cybersecurity risk and compliance is vital. Managed Security Services help the institutions in maintaining this at their best.

OculusIT’s Managed Security Services Offerings

Managed Security Services Bronze Shield Silver Shield Gold Shield
24×7 Staffed SOC (Security Operations Center) Yes Yes Yes
vCISO (Chief Information Security Officer) Hours Per Year 500 1000
Security Analyst 500 1000
Security Awareness Workshop One Time Annually
Weekly Reporting (Gaps, Threats, Handling Reports, Risks) Yes Yes Yes
Vulnerability Scan and Report 1x per year 2x per year 2x per year
NOCaaS (Network Operations Center) Yes Yes
GDPR / GLBA Compliance Assessment One Time
Named Customer Success Manager Yes Yes Yes
Managed Security Services Bronze Shield Silver Shield Gold Shield
Security Awareness Workshop One Time Annually
Subscription to OculusITEye™ – CIO real-time Security Event Dashboard Yes Yes Yes
Firewall Review and Management Yes Yes
Application Security Review and Management Yes
OS Hardening Yes
Project Management Yes Yes
Named Service Delivery Manager Yes Yes Yes
Reporting: Monthly Executive Summary (SLA, Incident Handling Reports) Monthly Monthly Monthly
Executive Review and Planning Meeting Quarterly Monthly Monthly

Our Benefits

  • Advantage of being an industry leader with 15 years of experience
  • Quick and hassle-free service deployment
  • 24×7 staffed security operations center
  • Cost leadership
  • Compliance with industry standards

Ready to get started with OculusIT for Managed Security Services?

Let’s talk