Slate Managed Service

Managed SLATE Services

Did you know? New England Conservatory of Music is enhancing its digital infrastructure with Managed SLATE Services from OculusIT. Explore how this partnership is amplifying their technological capabilities to better serve their community.


Managed SLATE Services for higher education institutions offer comprehensive support for implementing and maintaining the SLATE platform—a dynamic toolset facilitating collaborative teaching and learning experiences. In general,  Managed SLATE Services aims to streamline educational processes, enhance user experience, and maximize the potential of the platform to foster innovation in teaching and learning.

Why Managed SLATE Services?

Managing and supporting SLATE can be a time-consuming and complex task. An institution’s time can be better spent on student experience, from recruitment to orientation. That’s why OculusIT offers affordable Managed SLATE Services to streamline your operations and workflow efficiently and reliably.

OculusIT can help gain these benefits:

  • Reduction in staff time spent on SLATE administration
  • Improvement in application processing efficiency
  • Uptime and system stability
  • Enhanced data security and compliance
  • Empowered users with increased satisfaction and adoption

Benefits of taking Managed SLATE Services

Expertise and Experience

Gain access to a team of experienced professionals.

Cost Savings

Cost-effective solution compared to hiring and training in-house staff.

Increased Efficiency

Focus on your core educational objectives rather technical issues.

24×7 Support

Round-the-clock support, ensuring that assistance is available whenever needed.


Scale to accommodate your evolving requirements.

Enhanced Security

Regular security audits, updates, and proactive monitoring.

Latest Features

Stay up-to-date with the latest features and updates.

Peace of Mind

Dedicated team managing and optimizing your environment.

Embark on your SLATE journey with OculusIT's Managed Services:


Set sail with expert assistance in configuring and initializing SLATE, including seamless data migration and personalized user training customized to your institution’s unique needs.

Ongoing Support

Enjoy the peace of mind with 24×7 technical assistance, vigilant system monitoring, and proactive security measures to keep your SLATE environment sailing smoothly through any challenges.

Optimization and Enhancement

Navigate towards efficiency with customized process improvements, system customizations, insightful analytics, and innovative workflow developments, ensuring your institution’s workflows are finely tuned for success.

Training and Adoption

Steer your crew through the smooth waters of change with comprehensive user training, abundant resources, and unwavering adoption support, empowering your team to embrace SLATE with confidence and drive positive outcomes across your institution’s work.

Let’s get in touch!

OculusIT is a global, all-inclusive, managed IT services company exclusively for higher education. Get a higher return on your IT investment now!

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